Dhs Enterprise Agreement 2014


    The DHS Enterprise Agreement of 2014: A Comprehensive Overview

    The DHS Enterprise Agreement of 2014 is an important agreement that covers a wide range of issues related to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) employees. It is a collective bargaining agreement that outlines the working conditions, pay, and benefits of DHS employees, and establishes the rules and regulations governing their employment.

    In this article, we will provide an in-depth overview of the DHS Enterprise Agreement of 2014 and its key provisions.


    The DHS is a federal agency that was created in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It is responsible for protecting the United States from terrorist attacks, securing the nation’s borders, and responding to natural disasters and other emergencies.

    The DHS Enterprise Agreement of 2014 was negotiated between the federal government and the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the largest federal employee union. The agreement was signed on August 25, 2014, and took effect on November 9, 2014.

    Key Provisions

    The DHS Enterprise Agreement of 2014 covers a wide range of issues related to DHS employees, including pay, benefits, working conditions, and job security. Some of the key provisions of the agreement are:

    Pay: The agreement establishes a pay scale for DHS employees based on their job classification and level of experience. The pay scale is updated annually to reflect changes in the cost of living.

    Benefits: The agreement provides comprehensive health insurance coverage for DHS employees and their dependents. It also establishes a retirement plan and other benefits such as disability and life insurance.

    Working Conditions: The agreement establishes rules and regulations governing the working conditions of DHS employees. This includes provisions related to overtime, work schedules, and telework.

    Job Security: The agreement provides job security for DHS employees by establishing a process for resolving disputes related to layoffs, firings, and other personnel actions. It also establishes a grievance process for employees who feel they have been treated unfairly.


    The DHS Enterprise Agreement of 2014 is an important agreement that establishes the rules and regulations governing the employment of DHS employees. It provides comprehensive pay, benefits, and job security for DHS employees, and establishes a process for resolving disputes and grievances.

    As a copy editor, it is important to understand the key provisions of the DHS Enterprise Agreement of 2014 in order to accurately communicate important information to readers. By providing an in-depth overview of the agreement, we hope to have provided a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about the employment conditions of DHS employees.